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how about love


We live our lives in everyday normality – and a mere twelve flying hours away an altogether different life takes place. This goes beyond the scope of our imagination, yet gives us a feel for the vastness of this world, which is so much more inconceivable and multifaceted than the catchword «globalisation» has us believe.

I had been carrying the idea for the film HOW ABOUT LOVE around with me for several years. The idea was probably born out of my experience as a 17-year-old exchange student when I spent a year with an American-Pakistani host family in a remote Pennsylvanian town. A few years later, at the beginning of the Eighties, I was marked by the experience of living under one roof with two young Cambodian refugees who had suffered the horrors of the Pol Pot regime and whom my parents had taken in. I sometimes heard them scream at night and it seemed inconceivable to me that such different lives could suddenly co-exist so closely.

HOW ABOUT LOVE is a film about love. A film about disarray, powerlessness, longing, guilt, and responsibility. A film with one burning question: our ability to be truly sympathetic and loving.


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