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Born in 1964 in Marthalen
Studies at the Schauspiel Akademie Zurich (now ZHdK)
He won the Migros Study Award and the Emil Oprecht Award
He then worked at the theatre of Basle and Winkelwiese in Zurich and later at the Heidelberg City Theatre, at the Konstanz City Theatre and at the Hannover National Theatre
1999 - 2002 he was a member of the ensemble cast at the Vienna Burgtheatre, followed by engagements at the Basle Theatre, the Zurich Schauspielhaus and, until 2008, at the Neumarkt Theatre
Since 2008, he has been an independent actor engaged in various projects:
He has worked with Andreas Kriegenburg, Stephan Müller, Sven-Eric Bechtolf, Jarg Pataki, and  Lars-Ole Walburg and was Invited, among others, to the Berlin Theatertreffen, to the Edinburgh Festival and to the Muhlheim Theatre Days


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